Saturday, May 30, 2009

Breaking News: What I've been up to lately

(Photos from my last vist to our local dog run; my dogs not shown)
  • Packing. I'm moving out of my apartment that I share with my ex and moving in with 2 other girlfriends. Moving back to the neighborhood that I absolutely love. More about that later. Moving next weekend.
  • Mom didn't move to NY after all. I enjoyed the beaches in Miami instead. That was 2 weeks ago.
  • My cousin is getting married in 3 weeks. Mom, Dad and brother will be visting. I need to find a dress to wear for the wedding.
  • I've become a bookworm over night. Currently reading Little Bee by Chris Cleave. Reading has been a great comfort. I love loosing myself in the story. I enjoy these breaks from my own life.


  1. I'm waiting for Little Bee to come in from the library. Glad you like it.

  2. aww thanks for the comment this morning.

    Glad to hear things are moving smoothly-ish.
